Going Private

Going to make the blog private at the end of the week. Nothing secret or dramatic is going on. I’m just conscious of discontent out in the blogosphere — lots of sniping about what people choose to write about or how they choose to write, etc. I don’t want to be involved in all of that. This isn’t about some kind of special exclusivity — it’s about allowing people to opt in, and then once you’re in, you get what you paid for. 😉

If you want permission to read when this blog goes private, just drop me a note at dzm (spell it out) at hotmail. I should get Cody to write a little “Benefits of Membership” ad. Though it is pretty much one bullet point:

  • Diary of Asana Practice
  • Not much regarding the ineffable, I’m afraid. “Whereof we cannot speak, thereof we must be silent.” Well, unless it’s just too tempting.

    From what I’m seeing with a quick couple of searches, WordPress is a lot harder to take private than Blogger. Might mean a switch back to Blogger. I’ll miss my current format… It’s so pretty… If anyone out there has mastered the art of taking a WordPress blog private, let me know.

    Go Patriots!