Knee, arm, wall

In my last post, Arturo pointed out — quite rightly — that walking the feet in on urdhva dhanurasana can crunch the sacrum. I’ve been doing it because it allows me to try to push my chest into the wall. If I walk my hands in instead, my chest just gets further away from the wall. Yes, the wall’s a proprioceptive aid and one that I don’t want to get too accustomed to. But it IS handy.

All that said, this morning, I took a different tack. In part because my knee hurt last night. And this morning. My left knee. Yes, the side that Owl recognized as wonky. The weird thing was that the knee would throb, but when I turned my attention to it, it would seem like the pain was actually coming from the left side of my sacrum. Referred pain from sacrum to knee? Vice versa? A yoga spell cast from California?

Anyhow, due to the mysterious pain, this morning it was hand-walking or nothing. But how to solve for needing to get my chest to the wall? I know! Lie down, scrunch the top of your head against the wall really tight, then line up your feet so they are not only close to your butt, but actually pulled up past your butt (like when you put your foot as far behind your hip as possible in Marichy A). THEN push up into urdhva dhanurasana. You are so close to the wall at that point, that you can walk your hands in and still be near the wall.

Okay, I know. Complicated to explain in words. I’ll make a video later.

And speaking of proprioception. I woke up this morning and there was a weight across my tummy. I touched it with my left hand. Agh! An arm! A dead arm!

Yeah. It was mine. That’s freaky.