Shoulder kinkiness

Oh yeah, that title ought to get me some web hits.

Sadly, perverts will come to this site and find out I have an ache in my right shoulder. Right at the bottom of the shoulderblade. “Am I injured?” I wondered. Yes, I’m a little paranoid about shoulders because of the rotator cuff tear.

What happens when people get rotator cuff tears? Is the “conventional wisdom” (I’m talking yoga-wisdom here, and specifically, Ashtanga-yoga-authorized-or-certified-teacher wisdom) to work through it? I really DO believe the practice helps us heal ourselves, but a rotator cuff’d be a tough healing project to throw at the practice.

Anyhow, no, it’s not my rotator cuff. I have an appointment with Candice of the Steel Thumb Order on Saturday, and I can ask her, “Hey, what muscle was that that just made me scream?”