Laghu V, More Copisms, Italianism

So I get to laghu vajrasana and think, stricken, “What if I can’t do it anymore?” Aw geez, seriously? I just laughed at myself and went on. And it was fine.

Work, work, workity work that mind, Karen.

Here’s the video of a jumpback that made The Cop so happy.

Last night, out of the blue, he announced, “I don’t think about yoga much.” Um, okay. And this morning he said, “I am mostly interested in the athletic parts.” I sense cult-resistance. Nevertheless, we discussed jump backs and jump throughs. Of course, it was hilarious, because as soon as you start thinking about your jump through, you’re pretty much destined to go totally uncoordinated and take a header right off your mat. Yup. Just delightful to watch him learn this lesson.

Utthita hasta padangusthasana. Like many (most?) men, The Cop struggles mightily with this pose. As I have mentioned before, I generally don’t try to teach him anything or say anything unless he asks. This morning, I fell for it and spoke up: “You know about picking a focal point, yes?”

“It doesn’t work,” he said, with finality.

I was already committed, so I explained a little about how and where to focus, blah blah blah… Oh, I’m sorry, was I saying something? LOL! He was having none of it. Focal points do not work, and even if they do at first, as soon as you turn your head for the second part of UHP, you fall over. It’s a law of nature and no one is exempt. Well, except for small women. It’s not possible for men, especially tall ones. God, I love this guy. I can easily imagine bringing him to a shala and showing him a tall fellow using gazing points to keep his balance throughout UHP. That wouldn’t prove my point, though, because The Cop would just look at me and rationalize it thusly, “Well, that guy’s a tool.”


I am eating (more accurately, inhaling) a salad at my desk. And guess what else?? ARTISAN bread! I love this stuff. Between the artisan bread and the homemade pasta, I’m sure to develop a gluten intolerance. Not really — half of my family is melancholy Irish, but the other half is Italian. Pasta and bread, baby!! Bring it on!